San Alfonso del Mar Resort, Camino Algarrobo Mirasol, Valparaíso, Chile
The San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile might be just the ideal place to train for your IronMan swim. At over 1km long, it is officially the world’s longest swimming pool.
That’s 20 Olympic-size swimming pools. Total size is about 11 football pitches.
The enormous man-made lagoon is set halfway up the country’s Pacific coast, in the city of Algarrobo, and is filled with 66 million gallons of crystal clear seawater.
It was built by Fernando Fischmann, chairman and founder of Crystal Lagoons. The entire construction took five years and cost £2million and was opened in December 2006.
Fischmann, who started out as a biochemist, developed a computer-controlled suction and filtration system that collects and filters water from the ocean before pumping it into the massive pool.
The technology carries a worldwide patent and the sun’s energy heats the water up to a comfortable 26C – nine degrees higher than the surrounding sea.
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